The "nature of nature is to transform", as Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of my beloved mentors so eloquently states. Barbara Hubbard is a futurist, a pioneer of human evolution, and a respected leader in the field of human consciousness. She reminds me to look towards nature for answers to my own life. As I do, I witness the implicate order in everything that grows and I am more able to observe the Divine Intelligence outside and within.
I am reminded that the perennials in my yard emerge from the soil in perfect timing, without forcing their growth or making it happen. They simply surrender to the forces that nourish them - the sun, the rain, the air. Then, day by day, they grow towards the light that shines down upon them with anticipation, surrender, and an upward reach. When the timing is perfect, they bloom and offer their beauty with radiant colors, richness of texture, and delicious fragrance. Alone, they are beautiful, but when they are placed together they make an even more beautiful garden.
Reflecting on the nature of nature, I laugh at myself when I get into the mode of wanting to control my own growth. Instead of surrendering and allowing the timing to clearly reveal itself, I unconsciously try to make things happen. You see, I am a doer. Ideas come to me easily and often. I feel at peace when I can bring those ideas to fruition. In an effort to experience this peace and fulfillment, I end up creating a self-inflicted urgency to implement the ideas (sometimes all at once). However, instead of resulting in peace and fulfillment, I end up feeling stressed and overwhelmed because I have taken on too much. I highly doubt the flowers that bloom at just the right time of year feel stressed out when offering their beauty to the world.
So, today, I surrender to the divine timing that is inherent in nature, outside of myself and inside of myself. Instead of forcing the expression of my beauty and gifts, I am going to trust that they are shining forth in this very moment without having to DO anything more. I trust that the perfect timing to launch my new ideas, coaching programs, and new business endeavors, will reveal itself effortlessly. I choose to bloom in perfect timing, whenever that may be.
Empowering Exercise:
This week, please join me as we individually and collectively let go of forcing our growth. Allow your Divine Source (whatever that may be) to nourish and nurture your ability to bloom, at home, at work, in your community, or wherever your gifts take root.
Make a list of the areas in your life where you are forcing your growth. In each area, ask yourself:
- Is the timing right?
- Do I feel overwhelmed with the thought of taking this on?
- How can I fertilize this area of my life so that it can more fully express it's natural beauty?
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