... that I can be anything I wanted to BE.
...that I am special and unique.
...that I have a presence that comes with me wherever I go.
...that my voice matters and expressing it is important.
...that I am beautiful, inside and out.
...that I am worthy and worth it.
... that no matter what I do or say, I will always be loved.
...that family is vitally important and it needs to be cherished and nourished.
...that I am connected to everything.
...that I am guided by Source, whatever that means to me.
...that my attitude and outlook on life is a choice and choosing a positive one will shape my experience.
My mother taught me how to love, how to nurture, andhow to give.
I offer her thanks today for shaping me, teaching me, and loving me as I strive to teach my children, and my children's future children, and their children's children...
...how to love, how to nurture, and how to give.
...that attitude is a choice and choosing a positive one will shape your experience.
...that you are guided by Source, whatever that means to you.
...that you are connected to everything.
...that family is vitally important and it needs to be cherished and nourished.
...that no matter what you do or say, you will always be loved.
...that you are worthy and worth it.
...that you are beautiful, inside and out.
...that your voice matters and expressing it is important.
...that you have a presence that goes with you wherever you go.
...that you are special and unique. And,
... you can be anything you want to BE.
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