Our obstacles of life are mostly rooted inside of ourselves. They take the form of unchecked habits, undisciplined choices, and automatic beliefs that have been shaped by the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of the past. These internal obstacles manifest as external ones, for we attract what we are. Because of this, we can use the potency of the light that streams into our planet today to help us see how we are limiting ourselves. Then, we can witness what changes in perspective, habits or beliefs are necessary to free ourselves so we can truly BE all that we were created to be.
Today also marks a time when our Sun enters the Zodiacal sign of Cancer which gives us an opportunity to build a new household of consciousness. In his book, The Forces of the Zodiac, Carl Japikse reminds us that "the forces of Cancer serve as midwife to the emergence of new life - new hopes, new potential, new qualities, new understandings, new skills, new projects, and new directions in self-expression." What a wonderful opportunity to check ourselves half way through the year to ensure we are working towards the life we want to live.
Join me this powerful week as we contemplate the following questions that will help shed some light on your inner-self:
- Do I have a personal and/or professional goal I want to achieve this year?
- Am I doing something each day to work towards these goals? If not, what daily habit or action step can I take to help make my desires a reality?
- What unchecked habits, undisciplined choices, or automatic beliefs are holding me back from experiencing total inner and outer happiness?
- Looking back on the summer of 2011, what did I experience that brought me great joy and fulfillment?
As you speak your truth and live a life that is congruent with your passion and purpose, you add to the raising of consciousness within yourself that directly influences the healing and expansion of our collective human experience. Trust your intuition. Honor your magnificence. Shine your light. Have a positively powerful week.
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