Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finding Comfort In The Unknown

When we are out of sync with our life purpose, the Universe provides subtle nudges that invite us to change our course. When we ignore them, they turn into wake-up calls that beckon us to shift.

All around us, change is happening. In fact, it has become a cliché that "the only thing that is constant is change itself." Surprises, unexpected events, opportunities, victories, and losses are all a part of being human. Despite this, it appears that we are living in a period of history where change is actually speeding up (documented by scientists studying the earth's rotation, planetary alignment, and quantum forces upon the planet of which we live).

So, what can we do about it? How do we find comfort in the change? Can we find inner peace in not knowing how events, decisions, projects, and plans will work out? Can we trust that our lives are unfolding and evolving exactly as they are meant to?

I believe the answer is YES.

We have a choice... We have a choice to resist what is happening to us or trust that clarity in the midst of confusion will be revealed at just the right time.

We have a choice as to how we perceive the events that are happening to us. We can allow them to shake us up, stress us out, and take us into a state of confusion, doubt, fear, and worry. Or, we can allow them to help us grow into the evolving human beings we are meant to be. The difference between which way we lean can come down to how stable, secure, and safe we feel inside of ourselves.

We can learn to access this powerful inner state of peace by turning within, by quieting our monkey minds, and by finding serenity in the silence that resides within our cells. With practice, we can quickly learn how to slow our breath rates when we feel stressed, we can learn to access our heart's intelligence when we feel scared or afraid, and we can learn how to find comfort in the mystery of our lives as they unfold, change, and evolve.

This week, I invite you to begin your own practice of inner peace. Here are a few steps to get started:

  1. As soon as your feet touch the ground when you get up in the morning, say "Thank You" to your Source, to the day, to the unfolding events that are helping you become the best you can be.
  2. Then, go to a quite place (a chair, a couch, another room) and sit comfortably for 3 minutes. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Literally, feel your body inhale and exhale, breathing in clear, light-filled, pure air, and exhale tightness, tension, and any thoughts or ideas that are not serving the best person you can be.
  3. Continue your conscious breathing and place your awareness in your heart space. Bring in a memory that fills you with joy, happiness, or peace. Connect to the feeling this experience brings you. Allow this feeling to fill all of the cells of your body.
  4. With time and practice, you can extend the duration of your conscious breathing and heart centered awareness that will allow you to access this space in times of change, stress, and the unknown.

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