Monday night proved to be another amazing Conscious Conversations. The new format included; a guided meditation, Deeksha (a.k.a. The Oneness Blessing), and conversation that worked incredibly well. It was a joy to connect with so many beautiful people sharing insights, reflection, and stillness together and the ambiance of the Golden Door provided a wonderfully nurturing environment for our souls. We gave ourselves a time-out from our hectic lives by creating the space to be still and open to receive the energy of the Divine. Thank you to all who attended and especially the 5 Oneness Blessing Givers who offered the gift of Grace to move through them for everyone to experience.
Increasing our awareness is a key step in awakening to our greatest selves. As we become more aware of who we are, what we desire, and what we are naturally good at, our PURPOSE, PASSION, and TALENTS begin to merge. When this occurs, we tap into our potential and are able to live the lives we long for. Increased awareness empowers us to make conscious choices - thereby shifting from reacting to life to creating magical moments and experiences. With awareness, we learn that we have the capacity to become deeply connected to ourselves, each other, and to our world. All we need to do is take a few moments to listen ourselves.
During Monday's Conscious Conversations, I lead a guided meditation called "Increasing Awareness". I thought I would share some key excerpts from the meditation with those of you who could not attend. I invite you to take a moment this week to increase your awareness of Self, your relationships, and your environment.
Awareness Exercise:
1. Create a sacred space for you to reflect and connect with your highest self. Play instrumental soothing music, light a candle, and/or surround yourself with objects that bring you peace. Have a journal and pen next to you. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Draw your attention onto your breath and notice how it feels to inhale and exhale. Find your own natural rhythm. Notice what it feels like to be sitting still. Observe your thoughts and allow them to pass by like floating clouds. Invite the monkey mind to take occupancy someplace else. This is your time - your sacred time to connect, expand, and increase your awareness of self.
3. Bring your awareness into your body. What does your body feel like? Notice where you are feeling free, in rhythm, and in harmony with your breath. Notice where you feel tension, tightness or constriction. Simply notice. Ask your body if there is anything you need to be aware of. Invite its intelligence to speak to you. *When you are ready, open your eyes and write down the answers in your journal.
4. Going a little deeper now, connect to the light that shines within you - call this your Higher Self, your Intuitive Self, your God Self, your "I AM Presence" (whatever you resonate with as the name for your higher power is perfect). This is the source that is infused with wisdom, truth, love. This is the place where your purpose and passion are one. This is the voice of your potential. Allow this part of you to become known to you now. What are its qualities? What does this part of you feel like? What does this part of you desire? Are its needs being met? Invite this intelligence to speak to you. *When you are ready, open your eyes and write down the answers in your journal.
5. Shifting your attention from within to your outer world, bring your awareness to the relationships that are predominant in your life today. Invite the images of your loved ones, friends and/ or colleagues who are sharing your energy, attention, and time to come into your mind now. What does it feel like to be in relationship with them? Are you in harmony with each relationship? Or is someone draining your energy and challenging you to the core? Simply notice what relationships are imbued with ease and flow and which ones seem to feel disconnected or in discord. Take a moment to feel the connection you share with the relationships you are in. What is it like to be in relationship with them? Putting yourself in their shoes, what is it like to be in relationship with you? *When you are ready, open your eyes and write down the answers in your journal.
6. The environment we live in, work in, and participate in - influences our ability to thrive and live to our greatest potential. In this state of deep relaxation, allow a deeper awareness of your external environment to emerge now.
Bring your attention to your home environment: is it supporting you and nurturing you? Can you come home to ground, recharge, and manage your daily activities?
Bring your attention to your work environment: Are you in alignment with your passion and purpose here? Are you supported and given the freedom to offer your creativity, insight, and contributions?
Bring your attention to the town or state you live in. Does this location suit your ability experience well-being in lifestyle and livelihood?
As the answers come into your awareness, take notice of how you feel, what you see, what you hear. *When you are ready, open your eyes and write down the answers in your journal.
Wishing you a wonderful week. Please see below for announcements and new resources.
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